financial planning and taxation mcq questions

stream Cost concept MCQs. <> A) Cost ascertainment. Objective Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Subject- Direct Taxation A. stream 52. %PDF-1.7 %���� ��I�� >> "Shareholder wealth" in a firm is represented by: a) the number of people employed in the firm. This download link will take you to the full document containing close to 100 Financial Accounting past questions and answers. Would request the author to shed light on new standing of finance commission in the context of restructuring of the planning commission. Financial Service B.Com. <> We encourage you to explore our site and learn more about the services we provide. C) Financial audit. ! To put it in other words, it is applying general management standards to the financial resources of the firm. Ad valorem tax or progressive tax are some luxury tax that is imposed on high priced goods such as cars above a certain value or engine size, villas etc. from Taxation) Act, 1961, the salary so surrendered shall not be taxable. Question 1 ... Financial planning d) Building planning Question 7 What is the definition of a scenario in scenario planning? 2 0 obj These quiz objective questions are helpful for competitive exams. 1. In general, according to Sales Tax Act 1990, tax period is a period of (A) one month (B) six months (C) nine months (D) one year. In most cases, property taxation questions can best be answered by the assessor of the city or township where the property is located. ������>���"=>Nn���o?Ǻ��|����P�>��-{���:���›��8�������!�mb��{�,_��� �j��6���w�b�Ǻ�,is�ی�� i�{ i���GS�".��HN�����;�|~�}l�z� W ��q}x��¯��F��/[�J��~���x5u���_��6[���.�� pN�6�_(���s�����#�b��ҵWJ*X[�N��. financial planning and taxation mcq questions. MCQs on Financial Management Financial Management is a study of planning, designing, directing and managing the economic activity such as the utilization of capital and acquisition of the firm. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 1008] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> endobj <> A tax imposed on goods and services that are non-essential or not included in the necessities. �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� 5 (5) This is a quiz for your financial planning. 1. :��2�z�pT>�YI�p�b���T�P�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!�E��. endobj Chapter 3: Multiple choice questions. Process costing is appropriate for which firm? Commerce provides you all type of quantitative and competitive aptitude mcq questions with easy and logical explanations. Let us check how much do you understand about what is financial planning? 1 0 obj Additional surcharge (education cess) of 3% per cent is payable on a) Income tax… <> >> /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Once you have answered the questions, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results. Given below are essential MCQs on the Cost concept to analyze your understanding of the topic. These 55 solved Taxation questions will help you prepare for personal interviews and online selection tests during campus placement for freshers and job interviews for professionals. If the inquiry requires examination of an individual property's records, those records are kept at the office of the local assessor and are not available at the Department of Treasury or State Tax Commission. 2. Surcharge of 10 per cent is payable by an individual where the total income exceeds: a) Rs.7,50,000 b) Rs.8,50,000 c) Rs.10,00,000 d) None of the three Ans c 2. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� The term ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ refers financial investment in a highly risky and growth oriented venture with the objective of earning a high rate of return. Gross tax liability is calculated on gross total income _____. /Parent 6 0 R Try the following multiple choice questions to test your knowledge of this chapter. ‘Chetana Store’ paid total GST of ₹ 1,00,500 at the time of purchase and collected GST ₹ 1,22,500 at the time of sale during 1 st of July 2017 to 31 st … Why financial … SAMPLE MCQ - 1. *$( %2%(,-/0/#484.7*./.�� C (b) Taxable under the head income from house property. endobj <> (A) Financial (B) Audit (C) Management (D) Budget Analysis 2. �� "Financial Planning" quiz questions and answers PDF: A type of contract in which contract holder has right to sell an asset at specific period for predetermining price is classified as, with answers for online colleges for business management. d) the market price per share of the firm's common stock. Objective Questions in Income Tax MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (Finance Act 2008) 1. 60. 3 0 obj %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� MCQ on Financial Management 1. 2. III Sem MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 4 Planning with Answers Pdf free download. ����z�ͭ�S���(�7���dd~u�oO�μg���������W�ֵi�MDZ�Z�eQY�������zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�?:7����YTP�������ޟ��eQ@r�����zx~u�E�j�O�΍�����U!��?�? Question 1. Below are the Financial Accounting MCQs quizzes. Should you have any questions or if you would like more information on our firm, please feel free to email us at or call us at (517) 484-4884. The financial year in which the income is earned is called as the _____. Financial planning starts with the preparation of:(a) Master Budget,(b) Cash Budget,(c) Balance Sheet, (d)None of the above. endobj invest in start up of a business IV. endobj stream ���� Adobe d �� C ... Financial Management Business and Commerce eCommerce Insurance . ...................................................�� jJ" �� b) the book value of the firm's assets less the book value of its liabilities c) the amount of salary paid to its employees. 5 0 obj What is the basic concept of cost concept? 2 0 obj Answer: A. After successfully taking these MCQs tests, students will be able to clear their concepts and prepare for their exams and interviews. In most cases, property taxation questions can best be answered by the assessor of the city or township where the property is located. Accounting Ratios are important tools used by (a) Managers, ... Financial Planning deals with: (a) Preparation of Financial Statements, ... All benefits are measured on after-tax basis. If the inquiry requires examination of an individual property's records, those records are kept at the office of the local assessor and are not available at the Department of Treasury or State Tax Commission. Surcharge of 10 per cent is payable by an individual where the total income exceeds: a) Rs.7,50,000 b) Rs.8,50,000 c) Rs.10,00,000 d) None of the three Ans c. Additional surcharge (education cess) of 3% per cent is payable on a) Income tax b) Income tax plus surcharge c) Surcharge Ans b Financial Planning deals with: (a) Preparation of Financial Statements, (b)Planning for a Capital Issue, (c) Preparing Budgets, (d)All of the above. <> Login into Examveda with. 2. endobj Post author: Post published: December 27, 2020; Post category: Uncategorized; Gkseries provide you the detailed solutions on Accounting as per exam pattern, to help you in day to day learning. Even you can take this financial planning quiz for kids as well. This activity contains 10 questions. 4 0 obj x��}�#������������/L�{�'�'�o�|��fV�ig&���N����Hv�U"[Np�Y��.��U�_zsx����>�~������~�~\]�����?�}�������������X�����������rׯ��}��Z��?��M�rð�������]�ß�������������?�w����h6�����ׯ_7�Ƭo�+5��6J�o�+���m������O�]o��~���^����j�7Ø�?ה���nY�^m����ْݦ�6�Ί�sE�1vU��������M]����V���l��w�y�nP0˝�ſk:��:c�� ��a��ww�Ix_eܤWJg��Ͱ�n�l�y*qS�M��L�l��^�y�Ӯ���U��y����t�Dwt�VetJ����h?Ã���Jÿ��/�R�V��v3���b�;a���X�p�z��ʿ�۠�f���w�b?4W��?p��l���5~���`���B_i�Q$2nZ��Yz�,�'��6[���q{��8��z6.h��X�@���SzcF[Xa�3�v�d�1�O�5��Y��Xh����%�S �XK��O�M�r��t�[#z��3�)/{\�;��@��ȣ����'��G��`�[ϲv �[��yؗ:ND��S�� �T� �˚Y�l/L ����/�%�a�8��W��mV�o���X��GSn����!xy���@��4�[Y�;?� Donations to the Government or a local authority for the purposeof promoting family planning B. Donation to the Government or any local authority to be utilized by them for any charitable purposes other than the purposeof promoting family planning C. 3 0 obj Commerce MCQ questions provides you all type of Accounting, Economics, Taxation and Other General Mcq questions related on Commerce subject with easy and logical explanations. 4.Multiple choice questions. The answers are also given for your reference. Dear Readers, Welcome to Taxation Interview questions with answers and explanation. 3. assist in decision making III. Instructions. Income Tax General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers. <> Luxury tax is included in the indirect tax and is incurred by those who purchase or use the product. Multiple choice questions on Financial Planning quiz answers PDF to learn online finance courses. 4 0 obj 8. We have provided Planning Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. These Income Tax GK Quiz or General Awareness quiz objective questions answers are very helpful for competitive exams BBA, MBA, PGDBM etc. (A) 7th (B) 10th (C) 15th (D) 18th. endstream Chapter 9: Financial planning. For interim financial reporting, a companys income tax provision for the second quarter of year 1 should be determined using the Effective tax rate expected to be applicable for the full year of year 1 as estimated at the end of the first quarter of year 1. Learn Accounting For Free These MCQs quizzes consist of more than 20 multiple choice questions each with 4 options for every question and students need to choose the right option. Multiple-Choice Quizzes for FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The following financial management web quizzes are grouped to correspond with the chapter headings in Fundamentals of Financial Management , 13th ed., Pearson Education Limited (2009) by … The process of accounting is needed to I. take a holiday II. ɹ\���zF`asK=K30(�n����� �� %PDF-1.5 Please note, do not limit your scope of reading to the questions and answers provided in this post rather expand your studies and search for more Financial Accounting examination past questions and answers and answer them. x^+�*BC �F�z�f D) Profit analysis. Login . 53. endobj MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS CHAPTERS 1 – 5 CHAPTER 1 1. Multiple Choice Questions If an assessee earns rent from a sub-tenant in respect to tenanted property let out as a residence, the said rent is: (a) Exempt under Section 10. $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Take financial planning quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge on “Financial Planning Basics for Beginners module”. The due date to furnish a return at the end of the tax period is the _____ day of the following month. B. COM SEMESTER 5- MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. RE: Finance Commission of India - General Studies MCQs with answers -Rahul G (01/24/15) This is quite informative. Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Practice Set 4.2. track money spent We provide all important questions and answers from chapter Accounting. B) Tax compliance. <>>> Financial Management MCQ is important for exams like CA, CS, CMA, CPA, CFA, UPSC, NET, Banking and other accounts department exam. /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] Multiple Choice Questions • Direct Taxation • • Financial Systems of India, Markets and Services • (As per the Revised Syllabus of 2016 Pattern of SPPU for MBA, Semester III) (FINANCE SPECIALIZATION) Dr. Shriprakash G. Soni Assiociate Professor and HOD MBA Suryadatta Institute of Management Bavdhan, Pune - 411021, Maharashtra, India. Answer the following questions and then press 'Submit' to get your score. Strategic Planning Accounting MCQs and Answers to all Questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Financial Management MCQ Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations. financial planning and taxation mcq questions. %���� 1 0 obj Which of the following jobs check accounting in ledgers and financial statements? 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financial planning and taxation mcq questions 2021