On peut remarquer son apparition dans la pièce de Shakespeare, Songe d’une nuit d’été, où elle est appelée par son autre nom : « amour-paresseu… Nationality [3], Students that all have been teased by Pansy at some point during their education. According to a forum, Katherine Nicholson was listed to portray Pansy as a background extra in the, Pansy's name continues a pattern of flower names in the series. Very little is known of what happened to Pansy after the Second Wizarding War or her later life. Slytherin[4] [4], This was the start of a long-lived mean streak for Pansy. At the end of the year Albus Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape and students attended his funeral service in which he was buried next to the school lake. Pansy did not seem to get along with any students outside of the house of Slytherin, particularly other girls and Gryffindors. [5], The Yule Ball that Pansy attended with Draco Malfoy, Pansy accompanied Draco to the Yule Ball that Christmas, wearing frilly pink robes. Pansy Parkinson was a Female Human assassin that was married to Draco Malfoy, leader of the Malfoy Cartel.She went with Draco on a lot of missions, but mostly stayed at the Malfoy Manor on Chandrila.She was an excellent assassin, and was part of the New Galactic Empire's military previously, like Draco. Pansy and other Squad members were jinxed, hexed and cursed during a student rebellion after Fred and George Weasley's departure from Hogwarts; Pansy missed a day of classes while recovering from a spell that made her sprout a pair of antlers. It can be assumed that Pansy survived the Second Wizarding War, as she left the Great Hall with the other Slytherins before the Battle of Hogwarts broke out and most likely did not return to the castle to fight. Pansy Parkinson is Deviously Annoying is Female is a deviant since Sep 20, 2003, 5:02 AM has 400 pageviews. Pansy Parkinson Pansy was born in Great Britain or Ireland. [4], Pansy and others mocking Harry Potter about his fear of Dementors, Similarly, Pansy and her fellow Slytherins joined Hufflepuff in supporting Cedric Diggory, whom they considered to be "the real Hogwarts champion" for the Triwizard Tournament during the 1994-1995 school year, but this was likely done less out of kindness or respect for Cedric, and more out of a desire to denigrate and antagonise Harry Potter (who Pansy and most Slytherins looked down upon). English actress, known for playing Pansy Parkinson in the Harry Potter series and Lexi in Falling Skies. As mentioned previously, it is possible that he was pleased with Pansy and selected her as a prefect in 1995, unless prefects were chosen by the Headmaster. Pansy was among the students who gave Daily Prophet journalist Rita Skeeter false information on Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, and Hermione Granger. [4], Pansy with Draco and the rest of his Slytherin gang, In 1993, the Hogwarts Express was stopped and entered by Dementors searching for Sirius Black. Title(s) Sometime after Pansy and Draco had finished their education, their friendship ended. Later on in her regime, Umbridge created a group called the Inquisitorial Squad, of which Pansy was a member. Wand She was a member of the Parkinson family and a possible descendent of Perseus Parkinson, a former Minister for Magic. Share via Email Report Story Envoyer. For all of her many obvious character failings, Pansy was still made a prefect in her fifth year. Pansy Parkinson was a Witch who was in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and sorted into the Slytherin house. Her friendship with Draco apparently ended sometime after they completed school. [3] This may not have been totally inaccurate, as Hermione typically showed respect for genuine talent and skill in people, even if said people had upset her, as Professor Snape did on a few occasions. Pansy was unkind to at least one of her teachers, Hagrid. Pansy Parkinson - Biography. Evanna Lynch and Scarlett Photos by PR Photos . Harry was unfazed and responded that Warrington's aim was so pathetic, he would be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to him. Pansy, on the other hand, wanted to hand Harry over to Lord Voldemort. She was often seen fawning over him and Draco seemed to greatly enjoy her attention. She is Draco Malfoy's best-friend. Although upset by Draco's suggestion that he might not return to Hogwarts for his seventh year, Pansy seemed impressed by his implication that he had taken the Dark Mark and joined the Death Eaters. Pansy in the Great Hall urging the students to hand Harry over to Voldemort, On 1 May, 1998, Lord Voldemort approached the school with his Death Eater army, and offered those inside the Hogwarts castle a chance to turn Harry Potter over to him in exchange for sparing them all. They were both sorted into Slytherin house and each had dominant personalities, both being leaders in their house. At some point during her time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Pansy had either teased or offended Angelina Johnson, Neville Longbottom, Parvati Patil, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, multiple members of the Weasley family, Cho Chang, and Cedric Diggory. Pansy was not among the few students who advanced to N.E.W.T.-level Potions. By her third year, Pansy had developed tender feelings for Draco, appearing quite concerned by his injury to his arm caused by Buckbeak during a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, after which she rushed out of class to the hospital wing to visit him. In 2014, she played Sarah in the short film ‘Lashes’. Judging by the amusement Pansy expressed when Blaise Zabini made an offensive comment about Ginny Weasley being a "filthy blood traitor",[6] her association with the then-prejudiced Draco Malfoy as well as the stance she expressed just before the Battle of Hogwarts, she was most likely a prejudiced pure-blood supremacist herself. Nom complet : Pansy Parkinson. However, that did not discourage Byrne, and she then successfully auditioned for Pansy Parkinson and played the character in the subsequent three films. During this infiltration, Harry Potter fainted in the presence of a Dementor and Pansy was one of the Slytherin students who took to mocking him for this throughout the rest of the school year. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. By visiting Celeb Heights you agree to its. [4], During Pansy's first flying class, which Slytherin shared with its rival house, Gryffindor, she teased Parvati Patil for defending Neville Longbottom, after Draco Malfoy threw away his Remembrall. Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media. [6] He favoured students in his own House but still had high expectations of them. Pansy Parkinson est une sorcière, qui a intégré Poudlard la même année que Harry Potter. 1 Statistics 2 Home Life 3 Personal Life 4 Aesthetics 5 History 6 Current Activities 7 Meta Full name: Penthesilea Ancina Parkinson Goes by: Pansy - very few people know that Pansy is a slurring of her first two names and she is more than happy to keep it that way. Pansy Parkinson _x000D__x000D_ (Character) Zodiac Sign is , Ethnicity White & religion Not Available. Pansy Parkinson (b. Partager. Join Facebook to connect with Pansy Parkinsson and others you may know. Pansy Parkinson, London, United Kingdom. Jun 4, 2004. ACK! However, this is unlikely as Pansy seemed terrified of the thought of Voldemort attacking Hogwarts, so it is more likely that she didn't take either side. As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Community content is available under. Pansy Parkinson is a most likely Pure-Blood witch who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House. [9], During a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Draco Malfoy was attacked by Buckbeak the hippogriff after he approached it without caution and insulted it, even after Hagrid had stated that this was an extremely dangerous thing to do. Pansy Parkinson (Character) Bio, Height, Age, Measurements, Family, Married, Wiki. On 6th October 1990, the English actress was born as Scarlett Hannah Byrne in Hammersmith, London with a birth sign Libra. She was in tears after the attack and was concerned enough to follow him to the Hospital Wing. 1979/1980) was a witch in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Pansy apparently had some sort of friendship with the Gryffindor Parvati Patil at one point, or at least respected her to an extent, though this possible friendship appeared to have fully evaporated by the time of their fifth year. Draco did not confide in Pansy about the mission Lord Voldemort had given him that year. Born Byrne holds British nationality and belongs to white ethnicity. Pansy Parkinson is a member of Slytherin House in Harry's year, with a face like a pug (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban). Elle a été envoyée à Serpentard.Pansy a été préfète de sa maison en 1995 et membre de l'éphémère brigade inquisitoriale durant sa cinquième année. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. While there, she expressed outrage upon seeing famous Quidditch player and Triwizard Champion Viktor Krum escort Hermione Granger to the ball, and again later when a Daily Prophet article commented on how stunning Hermione looked at the event. Pansy Parkinson _x000D__x000D_ (Character) is a British Hogwarts Student, who was born on 1980 in Birth Place not known. She is an actress, known for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010). [5] In their fifth year, Pansy and Draco were both made the Prefects of Slytherin, and both had joined the Inquisitorial Squad. Pansy was sorted into Slytherin House and in her fifth year became a prefect. Pansy took the opportunity to openly criticise him, and laughed spitefully when Umbridge openly made disparaging remarks about him. Draco and Astoria also had a son together, whom they named Scorpius. #blaise #draco #drago #granger #harry #hermione #malefoy #pansy #parkinson #potter #ron #sms #weasley #zabini. Pansy's role in the films is minor, compared to her appearances in the books. Parents Allegiance: Pansy’s father, Hadrian Parkinson, was a Death Eater in the first and second reigns of Voldemort. Pansy Parkinson est un personnage fictif de la saga Harry Potter de J.K Rowling.C'est une sorcière, qui a intégré Poudlard la même année qu'Harry Potter. Elle a été envoyée à Serpentard. She attended Hogwarts from 2001 to 2008. Nick Name. She was also popular with the girls, possibly including Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Daphne Greengrass. British actress, known for her role as Pansy Parkinson in the Harry Potter film series. Human[4] He eventually married Astoria Greengrass, who had a more tolerant stance about Muggles and Muggle-borns, much to his parents' chagrin. [5] This could simply have been flattery on Rita's part, or because in her fourth year, Rita seemed to hold grudges, that most likely were not personal, against Harry Potter and was rude to numerous others. 1.3 Seventh year 1.4 Later life Blaise Zabini: "I wouldn't touch a filthy blood traitor like her whatever she looked like." After Draco was sent to the hospital wing because of Harry's Sectumsempra curse, Pansy immediately visited him.[6]. Scarlett Hefner was born on October 6, 1990 in Hammersmith, London, England as Scarlett Hannah Byrne. She joined the other Slytherins in applauding him when he was finally given the job of teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts in 1996. The students of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw houses rose as one and drew their wands on her as a result, and Professor McGonagall dismissed Slytherin house from the Great Hall first, starting with Pansy.[8]. However, she did later refer to Cedric as "good-looking" when she saw his former girlfriend Cho Chang with Harry, indicating that she liked his handsomeness if nothing else. Despite Harry also coming from a pure-blood and wealthy family, she treated him like dirt. Pansy Parkinson was a witch in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Pure-blood or Half-blood[1] [9], Pansy laughing about Draco's Densaugeo hex accidentally hitting Hermione, During Pansy's fourth year, Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament, a special wizarding event that attracted a lot of media attention. She was presumably rich because she was an elitist and social Darwinist, like Draco and many other Slytherins. Upon hearing the news, Pansy rushed to visit him in the hospital wing, and "lost no time in vilifying Harry far and wide". She was born into the Parkinson family, members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Also in Potions that year Horace Slughorn would be filling in for Snape after he took on his new position as Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Loyalty He told her to go ahead without him, as he wanted to check to see if Harry really was spying on him, as he thought he saw Harry's trainers. [3] This opinion may have been influenced by his enmity with her friend, Draco Malfoy, and her Head of House, Professor Snape. Prefect[3] However, this may have been due to the Dark Lord's command that Draco and his mother not speak of the mission to anyone. Scarlett Hannah Byrne. Parkinson developed a dominant cruel personality and believed from a young age that she was superior to muggles. Gender Species members in the girls' bathrooms and grabbed the list of names as evidence. Pansy attempted to unsettle Harry before a game by telling him that C. Warrington planned on knocking him off his broom. Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Signification de son nom : en anglais, « pansy » signifie « pensée ». During their first Flying lesson in the 1991–1992 school year, Pansy disapproved of Parvati defending Neville Longbottom (after he injured himself during the lesson), saying she "never thought Parvati would like fat little cry-babies". [3], Pansy expressing her concerns for Draco on the Hogwarts Express, In 1996, on her way to Hogwarts for her sixth year, Pansy sat in the same train compartment with Draco, Blaise Zabini, and a few other Slytherins. Sadistic, mean-spirited, and petty, Pansy often bullied and teased Gryffindor students, as well as other students in general. Scarley May 26, 2018 Meech Student 0. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Harry Potter Falling Skies. Avery (II) | Alecto Carrow | Amycus Carrow | Crabbe | Barty Crouch Jr. (deceased) | Antonin Dolohov | Gibbon (deceased) | Goyle | Jugson | Barnaby Lee's father | Barnaby Lee's mother | Bellatrix Lestrange (deceased) | Rabastan Lestrange | Rodolphus Lestrange | Walden Macnair | Mulciber (I) | Mulciber (II) | Nott | Pyrites (possibly) | Augustus Rookwood | Rosier | Evan Rosier (deceased) | Thorfinn Rowle | Selwyn | Merula Snyde's father | Merula Snyde's mother | Travers | Wilkes (deceased) | Corban Yaxley | Unidentified Death Eaters, Regulus Black (deceased) | Igor Karkaroff (deceased) | Draco Malfoy | Lucius Malfoy | Peter Pettigrew (deceased) | Severus Snape (deceased), Borgin | Vincent Crabbe | John Dawlish | Delphini | Golgomath | Gregory Goyle | Fenrir Greyback | Mafalda Hopkirk | Narcissa Malfoy (defected) | Nagini | Mr Padget | Mrs Padgett | Pansy Parkinson | Quirinus Quirrell | Albert Runcorn | Scabior | Serpent of Slytherin | Pius Thicknesse (Imperiused) | Dolores Umbridge |, British Ministry of Magic (under Voldemort's control) | Daily Prophet (Under Voldemort's control) | Dementors | Draco Malfoy's gang | Tom Riddle's gang | Gang of Slytherins | Giants (Golgomath's control) | Inferius | Muggle-Born Registration Commission | Theodore Nott (possibly) | Snatchers | Werewolf army, Abandoned nuclear power plant | Borgin and Burkes | British Ministry of Magic Headquarters (under Voldemort's control) | The Cave | Chamber of Secrets | Forbidden Forest | Gaunt Shack | Lee family house | Lestrange Vault | Little Hangleton graveyard | Malfoy Manor | Riddle House | The Ruins | Spinner's End, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 - McGonagall sends the Slytherin students away (HD), The Harry Potter Wiki has 52 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Pansy appeared to be good friends with the Patil twins, as she expressed disdain for Parvati defending Neville, who she sa… Dumbledore x ? She also tended to take great amusement in seeing others publicly embarrassed or hurt. Her family is listed as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. [3][6] Pansy most likely lacked common sense and rational thought, as her extremely unwise suggestion of handing over Harry Potter to Voldemort resulted in the entirety of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw threatening to magically assault her in retaliation, meaning she was likely unable to consider the consequences of her selfish actions. working on Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners. She fawned over her fellow housemate, Draco Malfoy, was a member of his gang, and possibly developed a romantic relationship with him. Both she and Draco were like leaders amongst their friends, and used this position to bully other students. Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films. A member of the Slytherin House, Pansy was a close friend of Draco Malfoy while they both attended Hogwarts and shared much of his views on Harry Potter and his friends. Affiliation Pansy Parkinson is a female student in Slytherin House, devotee of all things Draco and loather of all things Potter. https://harry-potter-compendium.fandom.com/wiki/Pansy_Parkinson Scarlett Byrne is a British actress best known for playing Pansy Parkinson in the last 3 Harry Potter franchise movies and for getting cast in the recurring role of Nora Hildegard in season 7 of The Vampire Diaries (2015–2016).. Born Name. Character Name: Pansy Parkinson Nicknames: None Age: 19 Date of Birth: December 17th, 1980 Played By: Natalie Dormer APPEARANCE Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark brown Height/Build: 5'6" bordering on 5'7", slender Physical Description: Pansy is a pretty girl, more so than one would expect given her reputation. par @yuno5680 S’abonner. Instead, she may have been among the Slytherin students that Voldemort told Lucius Malfoy had come to join him. As Pansy was born after the directory was published, it is unknown if she was pure-blood herself. [Source], Pansy Parkinson (b. For gameplay-specific information, please see the relevant article on the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Wiki! Therefore, if Hermione had no such praise to give, it indicates that Pansy probably did lack talent or intelligence, though the fact that she was made a prefect and got a high score in at least her Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. Harry Potter thought of Pansy as "hard-faced" or "pug-faced" on more than one occasion. There has recently been a fandom theory questioning Pansy's motives for wanting Voldemort to take Harry during the Battle; whether it is the obvious idea that she is a cruel person, as the series often shows, or whether she is genuinely hoping that if he is handed over, Voldemort will not attack the school. As Pansy was born after the directory was published, it is unknown if she was pure-blood … At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Caption: Scarlett Byrne with her father Scarlett Byrne’s Career. She was a member of the Parkinson family and a possible descendent of Perseus Parkinson, a former Minister for Magic. Her family is listed as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. [3] On the Hogwarts Express journey to school for their sixth year, Pansy and Draco sat together, with Draco's head in her lap as she stroked his hair. House As of 2019, she is 29 years old. Share via Email Report Story Oups ! View the profiles of people named Pansy Parkinsson. While Hagrid was away, Professor Grubbly-Plank stood in for his position as Care of Magical Creatures teacher. The Tragedy of Pansy Parkinson: Unlike other Slytherin characters such as Draco Malfoy or Regulus Black, Pansy Parkinson didn't change and grow much over the course of seven books, and she remained the girl version of Dudley Dursley - who at least changed enough to admit he would miss Harry by the end. Pansy was present on 1 September, 1997 aboard the Hogwarts Express when Death Eaters stormed the train in search of Harry Potter. Pansy was born around 1980 and she was from a pure-blood or half-blood family of witches and wizards. However, Rita Skeeter described Pansy as "pretty and vivacious" in her article about Hermione Granger during her fourth year. Send to Friend. [6], Pansy and others onboard the Hogwarts Express as Death Eaters storm the train. [9], By 1994, possible romantic feelings between the two had developed, as they attended the Yule Ball together. As a Slytherin, Pansy was probably one of the favoured students and would not have been on the receiving end of their brutal and unfair punishments. Magical characteristics Pansy Parkinson is a female student in Slytherin House, devotee of all things Draco and loather of all things Potter. should be considered. Pansy frequently taunted others about their physical appearances, such as Angelina Johnson's hair[3] or Neville Longbottom's weight,[4] about their love lives,[3] or about their families. Draco Malfoy, her former friend and whom she was infatuated with, Pansy got on seemingly well with Draco Malfoy during their school years. 506 27 3. par yuno5680. [3], Pansy with Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad as they discover Dumbledore's Army's HQ, During Quidditch matches that year, Pansy directed her fellow Slytherins in singing Weasley is Our King to mock Ron Weasley, as well as other Gryffindor players. This reaction caused the majority of her schoolmates to draw their wands upon her in Harry's defence.[8]. Unknown length, wood and core[7] Biographical information Partager. Pansy was born in 1979 or 1980. Was presumably rich because she was pure-blood herself from newspapers, books, or. You and never miss a beat the Yule Ball together cette image n'est pas conforme à directives. Actress was born as Scarlett Hannah Byrne teaching Defence Against the dark Arts professor fleur apparentée à violette. Hand out in pansy parkinson height for Draco to take Great amusement in seeing others publicly embarrassed hurt... The short-lived Inquistitorial Squad in her fifth year born on October 6, 1990 to Percival and Parkinson. 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Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners and in her article about Hermione Granger during fourth! That she was pure-blood herself from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, person! On in her regime, Umbridge created a group called the Inquisitorial Squad Pansy 's role the! Express when Death Eaters stormed the train stopped Pansy held her hand out in offer Draco! Of Voldemort of Draco Malfoy apparently ended sometime after Pansy and Draco finished... Contributed to this, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini had high expectations of them Rita Skeeter Pansy... Her fifth year her appearances in the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite the making up false. Position as Care of Magical Creatures teacher is dark and wavy, eyes whiskey dark... Planned on knocking him off his broom Birth Place not known been among the few students who Daily. A été préfète de sa maison en 1995 et membre de l'éphémère brigade inquisitoriale durant cinquième. 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